As a programmer or aspiring one, one of the most important goals is to become the best at writing and analyzing code.

While reading programming books can lead to achieving such a goal, implementing the right and effective strategy into your learning can help you a lot in improving your coding skills.

Here are some of the best ways to get good at programming:

  1. Learn from various learning sources: Utilize books, online documentation, courses, programming communities, insightful blogs, and mentors to expand your knowledge.
  2. Dedicate at least 2 hours every day: Consistent daily practice is crucial for skill development. Aim for a minimum of 2 hours of focused programming practice each day.
  3. Surround yourself with fellow coders: Associate with people who have coding experience and code regularly. Their knowledge and habits will positively influence your own coding abilities. As Jim Rohn says, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
  4. Start and work on a meaningful project daily: Begin a personal project that interests you and work on it consistently. Daily engagement will enhance your programming skills and help you apply what you’ve learned.
  5. Teach coding to friends: Share your programming knowledge with friends who are new to coding. Teaching others can deepen your understanding and reinforce your own skills.
  6. Contribute to open source projects: Engage with open source projects by contributing code or assisting with documentation. This provides practical experience, exposes you to different codebases, and fosters collaboration.
  7. Practice reading, writing, and analyzing code: Develop the ability to understand and interpret code. Regularly read and analyze well-written code, and practice writing code on paper or a whiteboard to enhance your coding proficiency.
  8. Perfect your debugging skills: Debugging is a crucial aspect of programming. Focus on improving your ability to identify and fix errors in your code. Learn and utilize debugging tools effectively.
  9. Appreciate and learn to test your programs: Before deploying your software applications, make sure you have thoroughly tested your programs.
  10. Maintain a healthy body and mind.

Let’s look at each strategy and learn how you can implement it in your daily programming routine:

1. Learn from books, documentation, courses, mentors, and blogs

Becoming an exceptional programmer requires a multifaceted approach that combines diverse learning sources, structured practice, problem-solving skills, and continuous learning.

By utilizing books, online documentation, courses, programming communities, insightful blogs, and mentors, you’ll gain the expertise and experience needed to thrive in the programming world.

Here’s how:

Learn from programming books

Delve into programming books written by experts in the field.

These comprehensive resources provide in-depth explanations and structured learning paths.

For example, “Python Programming: The Ultimate Guide” offers a step-by-step approach to mastering Python.

Browse online documentation for each technology you are learning

Make the most of online documentation provided by programming languages, frameworks, and libraries.

The official documentation for Python, JavaScript, or any other language will be your go-to resource for understanding syntax, functions, and usage examples.

Enroll in programming courses

Enroll in well-structured programming courses offered by reputable platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or edX.

For instance, “The Complete Web Developer Course” provides a comprehensive learning experience for beginners, covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Join paid and free active programming communities

Join active programming communities like Stack Overflow or Reddit to connect with fellow coders.

These platforms enable you to ask questions, seek advice, and learn from experienced individuals who have encountered and resolved similar coding challenges.

Follow insightful blogs like this website

Explore programming blogs written by industry experts and enthusiasts.

Websites like Towards Data Science or Crackondev offer a plethora of insightful articles covering various programming topics.

For example, “How to become a Python web developer” provides practical advice to improve your Python coding skills while learning how to make websites and money with Python.

Find a programming mentor

Seek guidance from experienced programmers who can offer valuable insights and mentorship.

Engage with coding professionals in your network or connect with mentors through platforms like Codementor to receive personalized advice and industry knowledge.

Or, you can just write me a direct message and plan how I can mentor you. My email: [email protected]

It is essential to tap into various learning sources that provide a wealth of knowledge and guidance.

With all these learning options, it can be overwhelming to learn from all of them at the same time.

It’s time to optimize your learning process.

Here’s how:

  1. Set Clear Learning Goals: Define specific learning objectives for each source you utilize. For example, mastering object-oriented programming or becoming proficient in data analysis using Python.
  2. Create a Structured Learning Plan: Develop a roadmap that outlines the topics you aim to cover and the resources you will utilize. Break down your learning plan into manageable milestones to track your progress effectively.
  3. Practice Hands-On: Theory alone is insufficient; practical implementation is crucial. Apply what you learn by working on coding exercises, mini-projects, or solving coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode.
  4. Engage in Collaborative Learning: Participate in coding communities and forums to collaborate with fellow learners. Engaging in discussions, sharing ideas, and providing feedback will enhance your learning experience.
  5. Build Personal Projects: Undertake real-world projects aligned with your interests. This hands-on experience will consolidate your knowledge, expose you to practical challenges, and foster problem-solving skills.
  6. Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay up to date with the latest trends, frameworks, and best practices in the programming world. Subscribe to newsletters, follow influential programmers on social media, and read programming updates from your favorite blog.

Learning should be coupled with problem-solving.

Programming is all about solving problems efficiently.

Here’s how to approach developing your problem-solving skills:

  1. Identify Pain Points: Recognize common programming challenges or areas where you struggle. For example, optimizing code performance or handling large datasets.
  2. Seek Solutions: Research and explore different approaches to tackling the identified challenges. Read relevant articles, consult forums, and refer to books or documentation that provide specific solutions.
  3. Discover Relevant Tools: Identify programming languages, libraries, or frameworks that offer specialized solutions to the problems you encounter. For example, using NumPy and Pandas for data manipulation and analysis in Python.
  4. Apply the Right Tool: Once you’ve identified the ideal tool, implement it in your coding projects. Assess its effectiveness and evaluate how it enhances your problem-solving capabilities.

2. Dedicate 2 hours a day of impactful coding

Consistent daily practice is a cornerstone of skill development in programming.

Here’s why it matters:

  1. Reinforcement and Retention: Regular practice reinforces what you learn, helping you solidify programming concepts, syntax, and problem-solving techniques in your memory.
  2. Skill Acquisition: Programming is a hands-on discipline. By dedicating daily practice time, you actively engage with code, algorithms, and logical thinking, honing your programming skills.
  3. Building Momentum: Consistency breeds momentum. As you make daily progress, you develop a rhythm, allowing you to build upon your previous achievements and tackle more challenging programming tasks.

To make the most of your daily practice sessions, employ the following strategies for an effective daily coding practice:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define specific learning objectives for each practice session. Whether it’s mastering a new programming concept, solving coding challenges, or working on a personal project, clarity of purpose drives focused practice.
  2. Create a Distraction-Free Environment: Minimize distractions during your dedicated practice time. Find a quiet space, turn off notifications, and eliminate interruptions to maintain a state of deep focus.
  3. Break Down Tasks: Divide larger programming tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. This approach ensures that you can complete meaningful work within the allotted practice time, boosting motivation and a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Work on Challenging Exercises: Push yourself by practicing coding exercises slightly beyond your current skill level. This encourages growth, problem-solving skills, and adaptability.
  5. Reflect and Analyze: Take time after each practice session to reflect on your progress. Review your code, identify areas for improvement, and seek opportunities to optimize your solutions.

At first, it will seem to be hard, but with intentional work and forcing yourself to achieve your meaningful daily tasks, you will get the hang of it and it will seem seamless.

Adopting a daily practice routine can be challenging at the beginning.

Consider these strategies to cultivate the habit effectively:

  1. Schedule Dedicated Practice Time: Treat your practice sessions as appointments with yourself. Block out specific times in your daily schedule solely dedicated to programming practice.
  2. Start Small and Gradually Increase: Begin with a realistic time commitment, such as 30 minutes, and gradually extend it to the recommended minimum of 2 hours. Incremental progress helps you avoid burnout and makes the habit more sustainable.
  3. Establish Accountability: Share your daily practice commitment with a friend or join a programming study group. This creates external accountability and encourages you to stay committed to your practice routine.
  4. Embrace Variety: While consistency is crucial, embrace variety in your daily practice. Explore different programming languages, work on diverse projects, and challenge yourself with a range of coding problems to keep your practice sessions engaging and dynamic.

One effective way to maintain a daily routine is to start a meaningful project that you can work on, test, and improve on daily.

3. Start and work on a meaningful project

Programming is all about solving problems efficiently.

Thus, identify a problem in your life that you can solve with the programming skills you are learning.

Don’t copy-paste problems and solutions from coding tutorials, instead identify your own problems and start solving them with code.

This will be the meaningful project that you will be working on every day.

Here’s how to approach it:

  1. Identify a Personal Problem: Look for challenges or inefficiencies in your daily life that can be addressed with a programming solution. It could be automating repetitive tasks, organizing data, improving productivity, or enhancing personal interest. By focusing on a problem that resonates with you, you will be more motivated and engaged throughout the project.
  2. Embrace Originality: Instead of copying problems and solutions from coding tutorials, challenge yourself to identify unique problems and devise your own solutions. This fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and resourcefulness, setting your project apart from others.

For example:

Let’s say you are an avid reader struggling to keep track of your extensive book collection.

You constantly find yourself losing track of borrowed books or forgetting which books you own.

This presents an excellent opportunity to create a meaningful project.

Your project could involve developing a book management application that allows you to input and organize information about your books.

You can include features such as categorizing books by genre, tracking borrowed books, setting reminders for return dates, and even integrating an API to retrieve book information and cover images.

By solving this problem, you enhance your personal book organization while applying your programming skills to create a practical solution.

Remember, the key is to identify a problem that matters to you and aligns with your interests.

By working on your own meaningful project, you gain valuable experience, showcase your problem-solving abilities, and build a portfolio of work that reflects your expertise.

Working alone can be effective if you want to focus and achieve more in terms of the time you invest in.

But, working with a friend or a group will help consolidate the information more.

4. Make friends with other programmers while teaching them what you learn

Building connections within the programming community not only expands your network but also creates opportunities for mutual growth and learning.

By making friends with other programmers and sharing what you’ve learned, you foster a supportive environment that benefits everyone involved.

Here’s how you can cultivate these valuable connections while teaching others:

  1. Join Programming Communities: Engage in online programming communities, forums, and social media groups where like-minded individuals gather. Platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit, or specialized coding forums provide spaces to connect with fellow programmers.
  2. Attend Local Meetups or Tech Events: Look for local programming meetups, hackathons, or tech conferences in your area. These events offer opportunities to meet programmers face-to-face, exchange ideas, and establish meaningful connections.
  3. Engage in Pair Programming: Pair programming involves collaborating with another programmer in real-time, working together on a coding task or project. This interactive approach enables you to share knowledge, exchange insights, and learn from each other’s coding techniques.
  4. Share What You’ve Learned: Actively participate in discussions and share your knowledge with others in the programming community. Offer guidance, insights, and solutions to problems that you have encountered and overcome. By teaching others, you solidify your understanding of the topics and demonstrate your expertise.

For example:

If you recently learned a new programming concept, such as data structures, create a blog post or contribute to an online tutorial, explaining the concept in a simple and understandable manner.

Engage with readers or learners who have questions and provide guidance based on your understanding.

By sharing your knowledge, you contribute to the learning journey of others while reinforcing your own grasp of the subject matter.


  1. Collaborate on Open Source Projects: Contribute to open source projects that align with your interests and skills. This allows you to work alongside experienced programmers, learn from their expertise, and make valuable connections within the open source community.
  2. Organize Study Groups or Workshops: Take the initiative to organize study groups or coding workshops in your local community or online platforms. These collaborative learning environments provide opportunities to teach and learn together, fostering a supportive and knowledge-sharing atmosphere.
  3. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Approach interactions with other programmers with a growth mindset, valuing the opportunity to learn from their experiences. Be open to constructive feedback, actively seek guidance, and cultivate a genuine curiosity about different programming approaches.

5. Practice reading and analyzing code

A crucial aspect of becoming a skilled programmer is the ability to read, write, and analyze code effectively.

By developing these skills, you gain a deeper understanding of programming concepts, enhance your problem-solving abilities, and improve your overall coding proficiency.

Here’s how you can cultivate this vital skillset:

Read and Study Well-Written Code

Reading and studying well-written code exposes you to different coding styles, best practices, and efficient programming techniques.

Follow these steps to make the most of this practice:

a. Explore Open-Source Projects:

Browse through reputable open-source projects on platforms like GitHub.

Examine their codebase, study the structure, and understand how various components interact.

b. Analyze Code Examples:

Read code examples in tutorials, books, and online documentation.

Pay attention to the logic, control flow, and patterns utilized.

Analyze how the code achieves its intended functionality.

c. Understand Established Libraries and Frameworks:

Study code from established libraries and frameworks relevant to your programming language.

This helps you grasp industry-standard practices and leverage existing solutions effectively.

Practice Writing Code on Paper or a Whiteboard

Writing code on paper or a whiteboard simulates a different environment from using an IDE or text editor.

This exercise improves your ability to think through problems, enhances your understanding of syntax, and boosts your ability to translate ideas into code.

Follow these practices:

a. Solve Coding Problems on Paper:

Challenge yourself by solving coding problems on paper.

Work through algorithmic challenges, data structure implementations, or complex logic without the aid of a computer.

This sharpens your problem-solving skills and encourages a deeper understanding of the code you write.

b. Whiteboard Coding Interviews:

Prepare for technical interviews by practicing coding problems on a whiteboard.

This helps you become comfortable with explaining your thought process, organizing code visually, and writing clean and readable code without the assistance of an IDE.

Analyze Code for Efficiency and Best Practices

Analyzing code not only helps you understand how it works but also enables you to identify areas for improvement.

Here are some approaches to effectively analyze code:

a. Code Reviews:

Engage in code reviews with peers or experienced programmers.

Collaboratively examine code, offer feedback, and discuss alternative approaches.

This exposes you to different coding styles, best practices, and coding conventions.

b. Performance Optimization:

Analyze code for potential performance bottlenecks or areas where efficiency can be improved.

Identify algorithms or data structures that can be optimized and explore ways to enhance code execution speed and memory usage.

c. Learn from Mistakes:

Reflect on your own code, identify areas of improvement, and learn from your mistakes.

Analyze where errors occur, understand why they happened, and use that knowledge to prevent similar issues in the future.

6. Perfect your debugging skills by learning how to use a good debugging tool

Debugging is an essential and inevitable part of programming.

The ability to identify and resolve errors in your code efficiently is a hallmark of a skilled programmer.

To perfect your debugging skills and become adept at resolving issues, follow these guidelines:

1. Embrace the Importance of Debugging

Recognize that debugging is a vital part of the programming process.

Instead of viewing it as an inconvenience or setback, consider it an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Embracing debugging as a crucial skill allows you to approach errors with a positive mindset and enhances your problem-solving abilities.

2. Develop a Systematic Approach to Debugging

Approach debugging in a systematic manner to effectively identify and resolve errors.

Follow these steps to enhance your debugging process:

a. Reproduce the Error:

Begin by understanding the conditions that trigger the error.

Reproduce the issue consistently to gain a clear understanding of its causes and manifestations.

b. Isolate the Problematic Code:

Pinpoint the specific area of code responsible for the error.

Narrow down the code section by temporarily removing or commenting out unrelated code until you identify the source of the issue.

c. Review Error Messages and Logs:

Carefully analyze error messages, stack traces, and logs.

They often provide valuable information about the nature and location of the error.

Pay attention to line numbers, variable values, and any contextual information provided.

d. Use Debugging Tools:

Familiarize yourself with debugging tools provided by your programming environment or integrated development environment (IDE).

These tools allow you to set breakpoints, inspect variable values, step through code execution, and gain insights into the program’s flow.

3. Utilize Print Statements and Logging

Strategically place print statements or logging statements in your code to gain visibility into the program’s execution flow.

Outputting variable values, function calls, or specific checkpoints can help you identify the state of the program at various stages and pinpoint where the error occurs.

4. Learn from Documentation and Online Resources

Familiarize yourself with the debugging features and techniques available in your programming language and IDE.

Consult official documentation, tutorials, and online resources specific to your debugging tool.

These sources provide valuable insights, tips, and best practices to enhance your debugging skills.

5. Seek Assistance and Collaborate

Don’t hesitate to seek help from fellow programmers or online communities when encountering persistent or complex bugs.

Collaborative problem-solving allows for fresh perspectives, alternative approaches, and shared experiences.

Engaging in discussions or requesting assistance can lead to breakthroughs in resolving challenging issues.

7. Embrace the power of testing your software solutions

Testing is a crucial step in the software development process that helps ensure the reliability, functionality, and quality of your programs.

Even the simple programs that you start with.

By appreciating the value of testing and integrating it into your development workflow, you can deliver robust and reliable software applications.

Follow these guidelines for effective software application testing:

Understand the Significance of Testing

Recognize that testing plays a vital role in the development cycle.

It helps identify and rectify defects, improves code quality, enhances user experience, and ensures the software functions as intended.

Testing also boosts confidence in your code and instills trust in users or stakeholders.

Differentiate Testing Levels

Understand the different levels of testing to apply the appropriate techniques for each stage of development:

a. Unit Testing:

Test individual components or units of code in isolation to verify their functionality.

Write test cases that cover various scenarios, including edge cases and expected inputs and outputs.

b. Integration Testing:

Validate the integration of different units or modules to ensure they work correctly together.

Focus on testing the interactions and interfaces between components.

c. System Testing:

Verify the entire system’s behavior against specified requirements, evaluating its functionality and performance as a whole.

d. Acceptance Testing:

Conduct testing with end-users or stakeholders to ensure the software meets their requirements and expectations.

Automate Testing

Embrace automated testing to increase efficiency and maintain the reliability of your programs.

Utilize testing frameworks and tools specific to your programming language or platform.

Automated tests allow you to write test cases once and run them repeatedly, providing consistent results and saving time in the long run.

Write Comprehensive Test Cases

Create test cases that cover various scenarios, including normal and edge cases.

Consider both expected and unexpected inputs to uncover potential issues.

Aim for a high code coverage, ensuring that your tests exercise a significant portion of your codebase.

Incorporate Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Consider adopting the Test-Driven Development approach, where tests are written before implementing the actual code.

By defining tests first, you establish clear expectations and requirements, which helps guide your implementation and ensures that the code fulfills the desired functionality.

Embrace Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing

Integrate testing into your continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.

Automate your tests to run whenever code changes are made, providing quick feedback on the software’s health and preventing regressions.

Leverage Software Testers for Comprehensive Testing

If you prefer to focus primarily on writing code, consider collaborating with software testers who specialize in testing methodologies and techniques.

Software testers bring a unique perspective and expertise to the testing process.

Here’s how you can effectively utilize software testers:

a. Communicate Clear Requirements:

Clearly communicate your project requirements, functionality, and expected outcomes to the software testers.

Provide them with detailed documentation, user stories, or specifications to guide their testing efforts.

b. Collaborate on Test Planning:

Work closely with the software testers during the test planning phase.

Collaborate to define test objectives, identify critical areas for testing, and outline the scope of the testing process.

c. Provide Access to Test Environment:

Ensure the software testers have access to the necessary test environments, including development environments, staging environments, or any specialized infrastructure needed for testing.

Collaborate to set up and configure the required environments.

d. Facilitate Bug Reporting and Tracking:

Establish an efficient bug reporting and tracking system to streamline communication between the software testers and the development team.

Encourage the testers to provide detailed bug reports, including steps to reproduce, expected behavior, and observed results.

e. Regular Communication and Feedback:

Maintain open and regular communication channels with the software testers.

Encourage them to share their findings, insights, and suggestions for improvements.

Provide feedback on reported issues promptly to facilitate the bug-fixing process.

f. Encourage Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:

Foster an environment of collaboration and knowledge sharing between software testers and developers.

Encourage mutual learning, exchange of ideas, and sharing of best practices to improve overall software quality.

8. Maintain a healthy body and mind

Why did this come last? It should actually be the first.

While dedicating time and effort to programming, it is crucial to prioritize your overall well-being.

Taking care of your physical and mental health plays a significant role in your productivity, focus, and overall satisfaction in life.

Here’s how you can maintain a healthy body and mind while pursuing your programming goals:

Eat Nutritious Food

Fueling your body with nutritious food is essential for maintaining energy levels, cognitive function, and overall health.

Incorporate a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Prioritize regular meals and stay hydrated throughout the day to support optimal physical and mental performance.

Engage in Regular Physical Activity

Regular exercise is vital for physical fitness, stress reduction, and mental well-being.

Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, whether it’s through structured workouts, recreational activities, or even short breaks for stretching and movement.

Find activities that you enjoy and make it a habit to engage in them consistently.

It can be a simple activity such as walking.

Actually, when I do walk, I find myself coming up with more creative ideas on how to solve a problem.

Get Sufficient Sleep

Adequate sleep is critical for cognitive function, memory consolidation, and overall well-being.

Prioritize quality sleep by establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a conducive sleep environment.

Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support optimal mental and physical performance.

Take Breaks and Practice Mindfulness

Avoid prolonged periods of sitting and screen time by taking regular breaks.

Engage in activities that promote mindfulness, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply stepping away from your workspace to relax and recharge.

These practices help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental clarity.

Seek Social Connections

Nurture your social well-being by maintaining relationships with friends, family, and peers.

Engage in social activities, join communities or meetups related to programming or not, and seek opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

Sharing experiences, collaborating, and having a support network can greatly contribute to your overall happiness and mental health.

By prioritizing your physical and mental well-being, you will enhance your productivity, creativity, and overall satisfaction in both your programming endeavors and life as a whole.

If you follow these approaches, you are definitely going to become one of the best programmers in the world.

That’s it for this article!

Create, inspire, repeat!

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