Keywords are an integral part of any programming language, including Python. These special words carry a unique meaning in the language and play a vital role in defining its syntax and structure.

Have you ever wondered why some words in programming are highlighted in a different color than others?

These words are called “keywords” and are reserved for a specific purpose within the language. In Python, keywords are words that cannot be used as variable names or identifiers because they have a special meaning in the language.

For instance, the keyword “if” is used to check a condition and execute a block of code based on whether that condition is true or false.

Similarly, the keyword “for” is used to iterate over a sequence of items. Without keywords, programming languages would lose their structure and coherence, making it challenging to write programs that can be understood by machines.

Keywords are the glue that holds the programming language together, and in Python, one of the most popular languages, the keyword “type” plays a crucial role in understanding the type of an object.

So, is “type” a keyword in Python?

“type” is a word in Python having a predefined meaning in the programming language and cannot be used as variable names, function names, or any other identifier. Attempting to use “type” as a variable name or function name will result in a logical error that would later result into a syntax error for your Python program.

Although it is possible to use “type” as a class attribute in Python, it is generally not recommended because it can lead to confusion and unexpected behavior.

The name mangling feature of Python, which adds a prefix of double underscores to attribute names to make them private, does not apply to class attributes, and as such, “type” may work as an attribute name without raising an error.

However, using “type” as a class attribute can still cause confusion as it may be interpreted as the built-in “type” function name by others reading your code. Therefore, it is best to avoid using the “type” word as an identifier, whether it is for a class or any other purpose, and choose a more descriptive and specific name instead.

Here’s an example to illustrate why using “type” as an attribute name may work but using it as a function name will result in an error:

Let’s say you have such a class:

class ExampleClass:
    type = "example"  # Using "type" as a class attribute

new_object = ExampleClass()
print(new_object.type)  # Prints "example"

In this example, we create a class called “ExampleClass” and define a class attribute called “type” with a value of “example”. When we create an instance of the class and access the “type” attribute of the instance, it correctly returns the value “example”.

Take a look:

Using 'type' keyword in a Python class as an attribute

Now, let’s see what happens when we try to use “type” as a function name:

def type():  # Using "type" as a function name
    print("This is a function")

type()  # Raises an ideal logical error

In this example, we define a function called “type” that simply prints a message. However, when we try to call the function, we get a logical error that doesn’t work as correctly as we would love to.

Afterwards, down the line in our Python code, we may wish to check the type of a particular object using the builtin “type” function. Well, if we do that, we get a logical error because Python will print a string instead of the type of the object, whether, an interger, a string, etc

my_var = "Hello"
type(my_var)  # This should print "<class 'str'>", but it will now give a TypeError: type() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given"

The TypeError: type() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given” error results because in our Python code, we have shadowed the built in Python function “type” with a new function also called “type” that does not accept any positional arguments.

An image showing example code showing logical error that arise when using "type" as a function name

In this example, we define a function called “type” that prints a message. When we call the built-in “type” function to get the type of a variable (in this case, the variable “my_var”), it will now raise a TypeError because our custom function has overwritten the built-in “type” function and is not defined to take any arguments.

Once again, it is recommended to avoid using “type” as an identifier in Python to avoid such issues and to maintain readability and clarity in the code.

What is type in Python?

“type” in Python is a built-in function that is used to get the type of an object.

The “type” function takes an object as an argument and returns the type of that object as a string.

For example, calling “type(42)” would return “<class ‘int’>”, indicating that the object is of the “int” type.

The “type” function is useful for debugging and for checking the types of objects in your code.

What does the “type” do in Python?

In Python, everything is an object, and every object has a type.

For example, the number 42 is an object of type “int”, while the string “hello” is an object of type “str”. When you create a variable in Python, the interpreter infers the type of the variable based on the assigned value.

As a programmer, you can determine the type of an object using the keyword, “type” that takes the object as the positional argument.

There are other ways to determine the type of an object such as using the “isinstance” keyword.

In Python, the “type” and the “isinstance” functions are two ways to determine the type of an object. While both approaches can be used to achieve similar results, there are some key differences between them.

“Type” vs. “isinstance” functions

The “type” function is used to determine the type of a specific object. It returns the type of the object as a string, which can be used for comparison or further processing.

Here’s an example:

my_var = "hello"
if type(my_var) == str:
    print("my_var is a string")

The above code defines a variable “my_var” with the value “hello”.

The code then uses the “type” function to determine the type of the variable and checks whether it is equal to the string type. If it is, then it prints a message indicating that the variable is a string.

The “isinstance” function, on the other hand, is used to determine whether an object is an instance of a specific class or subclass. It returns a Boolean value indicating whether the object is an instance of the specified class or not.

Here’s an example:

my_var = "hello"
if isinstance(my_var, str):
    print("my_var is a string")

In this example, the code uses the “isinstance” function to check whether the “my_var” object is an instance of the “str” class. If it is, then it prints a message indicating that the variable is a string.

The key difference between type and isinstance function names to check the type of an object is that the “type” returns the exact type of an object, while the “isinstance” function checks whether an object is an instance of a specific class or subclass.

Therefore, the word “type” is useful when you need to determine the exact type of an object, while the “isinstance” function is useful when you need to check whether an object is an instance of a specific class or subclass.


Is it safe to use the word “type” in Python code?

While it is technically possible to use the “type” word as a variable name or attribute name in Python code, it is generally not recommended. This is because “type” is a built-in function in Python, and it has a special meaning that cannot be overridden.

If you use “type” as a variable name or attribute name, you will not be able to use the “type” function in its original context. This can lead to unexpected behavior and difficult-to-debug errors in your code.

To avoid these kinds of issues, it is best to choose a different name for your variables and attributes that do not conflict with any built-in keywords or functions in Python. This will help ensure that your code is clear, readable, and free of unexpected errors.

What are some best practices for using “type” in my Python program?

Here are some best practices for using the word “type” in your Python program:

  1. Avoid using “type” as a variable name or attribute name: As I mentioned earlier, “type” is a built-in keyword in Python, and using it as a variable name or attribute name can lead to unexpected behavior and errors in your code. To avoid this, choose a different name for your variables and attributes.
  2. Use “type” to check the type of an object: The primary use of the “type” function is to check the type of an object. You can use the type() function to determine whether an object is an instance of a specific class or to check the type of a variable.
  3. Use “isinstance” to check for class hierarchy: If you need to check whether an object is an instance of a specific class or subclass, use the “isinstance” function instead of the “type” function. The “isinstance” function is more flexible than type() and allows you to check for class hierarchy.


In conclusion, the “type” function in Python is a powerful tool for checking the type of an object or variable. It is a built-in keyword that has a specific and important meaning in Python, and should be used carefully and judiciously in your code.

While it is possible to use “type” as a variable name or attribute name, it is generally not recommended, as it can lead to unexpected behavior and errors. Instead, it is best to choose a different name for your variables and attributes, and to use “type” and “isinstance” in a way that is consistent with best practices and the needs of your program.

With careful use of the word “type” and a solid understanding of its capabilities and limitations, you can write clear, efficient, and reliable Python code that meets the needs of your users and your organization.

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