Type declaration in every programming language is essential for providing readable, consistent, and understandable code.

Such a code is useful for users and other coders as it allows them to clearly identify the intended usage of a variable when working with their programs.

Besides identifying the intended usage of a variable during declaration, developers too can understand the expected data type to be provided to a variable.

With such an understanding, you can mitigate errors that arise from using wrong data types or potential inconsistencies, especially when dealing with data storage and retrieval.

You do not want to have a set of data that must be explicitly integers having some string data type within the database.

In Python, you do not need to explicitly define the data type of a variable every time you assign a variable to it.

Python can automatically type convert a variable based on the type of the value.

So, if you have a value, let’s say 23, which is an integer assigned to a variable, age, then the data type of the variable age is automatically converted to an integer.

This conversion can be useful.

But, what if you want to explicitly accept a certain data type for a specific variable?


That begs the question:

Can Python variables change type?

Variables in Python can change their type either explicitly converted by a user or automatically changed during program execution.

A variable can change its type dynamically based on the value assigned and its operation. Besides, a Python programmer can manually change the data type of a variable by using constructor functions such as int(), str(), and float().

Changing type dynamically based on the value assigned

In Python, variables can change their type dynamically based on the value assigned to them or the operations performed on them.

This automatic type conversion is a feature of dynamically-typed languages like Python.

Using constructor functions to change type of a variable

Additionally, Python provides constructor functions such as int(), str(), and float() that allow programmers to explicitly change the type of a variable.

These functions take a value of a different type as input and return an object of the desired type.

But why change the data type of variables in Python?

Why change type of a variable in Python? (Is it a good practice?)

Changing the type of a variable in Python can be useful in certain scenarios, but it should be used judiciously and with caution.

Here are a couple of reasons you may need to convert type of a variable in Python.

  1. Transform data to make it unique for special operations or calculations. An example is converting a string to an integer or float to perform mathematical operations.
  2. Make your Python program compatible with libraries or APIs that require specific types for inputs or outputs.
  3. Mostly, you will receive user input in the form of strings. Thus, you are required, as a coder, to convert the user-provided input to the desired data type for manipulation. For example, convert a number from the string data type.

Now that you know why you may need to explicitly convert the type of a variable in Python, let’s see how you can convert a variable’s data type, manually and automatically.

How to convert the data type of a variable in Python

In Python, you can convert the data type of a variable using various built-in constructor functions such as int(), float(), and str(), and other techniques such as type casting, format conversion, and list comprehension or mapping.

Let’s look at each approach using examples of Python code.

How to convert a variable to string in Python example

In Python, you can convert a variable to a string using the constructor function, str(), or use the format conversion.

Here’s how:

Using constructor function str()

The str() constructor function converts a value of a variable to a string representation like this:

x = 42
x_str = str(x)
print(x_str)  # Output: "42"
print(type(x_str))  # Output: <class 'str'>

In the example above, the variable x is an integer.

By calling str(x), we convert x to a string representation, and the result is stored in x_str.

Printing x_str shows the string representation of the original integer value.

Using format conversion

Python provides various ways to format strings, including using the str.format() method or f-strings (formatted string literals).

These techniques can implicitly convert values to strings.

Example using str.format():

x = 3.14
x_str = "{}".format(x)
print(x_str)  # Output: "3.14"
print(type(x_str))  # Output: <class 'str'>

In the above example, the str.format() method is used to format the value of x as a string.

The empty curly braces {} serve as a placeholder for the value of x.

By calling format(x), the value of x is converted to a string and assigned to x_str.

Example using f-strings:

x = 42
x_str = f"{x}"
print(x_str)  # Output: "42"
print(type(x_str))  # Output: <class 'str'>

In this example, an f-string is used, denoted by the f prefix before the string. The value of x is embedded directly within the curly braces {}.

The variable x is implicitly converted to a string when creating x_str.

Both approaches provide a straightforward way to convert variables to strings in Python.

The choice between them depends on your preference and the specific requirements of your code.

Convert an integer to a float

To convert an integer to a float in Python, you can simply use the float() constructor function.

Here’s an example:

x = 42
x_float = float(x)
print(x_float)  # Output: 42.0
print(type(x_float))  # Output: <class 'float'>

In the code above, the variable x is an integer with a value of 42. By calling float(x), we convert x to a floating-point number.

The result is stored in the variable x_float, which now holds the floating-point representation of the original integer value.

The float() function takes an argument and returns an object of type float that represents the same numeric value as the input, but with a floating-point format.

It’s important to note that converting an integer to a float does not change the value itself but rather changes the data type.

The resulting floating-point number will have the same numeric value as the original integer, but with a decimal point and a fractional part of zero.

Additionally, if the original integer value is already a floating-point number (e.g., x = 3.14), converting it to a float using float(x) will not change its type or value.

Convert floats to integers

To convert a float to an integer in Python, you can use either the int() constructor function or the math.floor() or math.ceil() functions from the math module.

Here are examples of both approaches:

Example 1: Using int():

x = 3.14
x_int = int(x)
print(x_int)  # Output: 3
print(type(x_int))  # Output: <class 'int'>

In the code above, the variable x is a float with a value of 3.14. By calling int(x), we convert x to an integer using the int() constructor function.

The resulting integer value is stored in the variable x_int.

It’s important to note that using int() directly truncates the decimal part of the float and returns the integer value towards zero. In the example above, the float value 3.14 is converted to the integer value 3.

Also, remember that truncation does not obey rounding rule where 3.8 would be 4.

Example 2: Using math.floor() or math.ceil():

import math

x = 3.14
x_floor = math.floor(x)
x_ceil = math.ceil(x)
print(x_floor)  # Output: 3
print(x_ceil)  # Output: 4

In this code snippet, we import the math module to access the floor() and ceil() functions.

The floor() function returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given float, while the ceil() function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given float.

In the example above, x_floor is assigned the value 3 (the largest integer less than or equal to 3.14), while x_ceil is assigned the value 4 (the smallest integer greater than or equal to 3.14).

Both approaches allow you to convert a float to an integer, but the choice between them depends on your specific requirements.

If you want to truncate the decimal part and get the closest integer toward zero, int() is suitable.

If you need to round down or round up to the nearest integer, you can use math.floor() or math.ceil() respectively.

How to convert a string to a number

To convert a string to a number in Python, you can use the following methods based on the desired numeric type:

1. The int() function

If you want to convert a string to an integer, you can use the int() constructor function. It parses the string and returns an integer value.

Here’s an example code:

x = "420"
x_int = int(x)
print(x_int)  # Output: 420
print(type(x_int))  # Output: <class 'int'>

In the example above, the variable x is a string containing the value “42”.

By calling int(x), we convert the string to an integer using the int() function.

The resulting integer value is stored in the variable x_int.

If the string cannot be parsed as a valid integer, a ValueError will be raised.

For example, trying to convert the string “hello” to an integer will raise a ValueError.

trying to convert the string "hello" to an integer will raise a ValueError

1. The float() function

If you want to convert a string to a floating-point number, you can use the float() constructor function.

It parses the string and returns a floating-point value.


x = "3.14"
x_float = float(x)
print(x_float)  # Output: 3.14
print(type(x_float))  # Output: <class 'float'>

In the code above, the variable x is a string containing the value “3.14”. By calling float(x), we convert the string to a float using the float() function.

The resulting floating-point value is stored in the variable x_float.

Similarly to int(), if the string cannot be parsed as a valid floating-point number, a ValueError will be raised.

It’s important to note that the string being converted must have a valid representation of the desired numeric type.

For instance, converting a string like “hello” or “3.14.2” to a number will raise a ValueError because they are not valid representations of integers or floats, respectively.

By using the appropriate conversion function (int() or float()), you can successfully convert a string to a numeric value in Python.

How to convert a number to a string

To convert a number to a string in Python, you can use the str() constructor function.

Here’s an example:

x = 78
x_str = str(x)
print(x_str)  # Output: "78"
print(type(x_str))  # Output: <class 'str'>

In the code above, the variable x is a number (in this case, an integer with a value of 42). By calling str(x), we convert x to a string representation using the str() function.

The resulting string value is stored in the variable x_str.

The str() function takes an argument and returns a string representation of the value.

It can convert various types of objects to strings, including numbers (integers, floats), booleans, and more.

It’s important to note that after converting a number to a string, the resulting string contains the characters that represent the number, but it is no longer treated as a numeric value.

This means that you can concatenate, manipulate, or display the string, but you won’t be able to perform numerical operations on it unless you convert it back to a numeric type.

By using str(), you can effectively convert numbers to strings in Python.

Converting a list to a tuple in Python

To convert a list to a tuple in Python, you can use the tuple() constructor function.

Here’s an example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
my_tuple = tuple(my_list)
print(my_tuple)  # Output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
print(type(my_tuple))  # Output: <class 'tuple'>

In the code above, my_list is a list containing elements [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. By calling tuple(my_list), we convert the list to a tuple using the tuple() constructor function.

The resulting tuple is stored in the variable my_tuple.

The tuple() function takes an iterable (such as a list) as an argument and returns a tuple containing the same elements in the same order.

It essentially creates a new tuple object based on the values in the iterable.

After the conversion, my_tuple holds the same elements as my_list, but in a tuple format.

Tuples are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be modified once created, whereas lists are mutable.

Converting a list to a tuple can be useful in scenarios where you want to ensure the immutability of the data or take advantage of specific tuple properties, such as being used as keys in dictionaries or as elements in sets.

By using the tuple() function, you can easily convert a list to a tuple in Python.

How to convert tuples into lists in Python

To convert a tuple into a list in Python, you can use the list() constructor function or list comprehension.

Let’s start with the constructor function, list() example.

Using list() constructor function

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
my_list = list(my_tuple)
print(my_list)  # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(type(my_list))  # Output: <class 'list'>

In the code above, my_tuple is a tuple containing elements (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). By calling list(my_tuple), we convert the tuple to a list using the list() constructor function.

The resulting list is stored in the variable my_list.

The list() function takes an iterable (such as a tuple) as an argument and returns a list containing the same elements in the same order.

It essentially creates a new list object based on the values in the iterable.

After the conversion, my_list holds the same elements as my_tuple, but in a list format.

Lists are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified after creation, unlike tuples.

Converting a tuple to a list can be useful when you need to modify the elements of the collection or perform operations that are specific to lists, such as appending or removing elements.

By using the list() function, you can easily convert a tuple to a list in Python.

Using list comprehension

Alternatively, you can use list comprehension to convert a tuple into a list.

Here’s an example:

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
my_list = [x for x in my_tuple]
print(my_list)  # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(type(my_list))  # Output: <class 'list'>

In the code above, I am using list comprehension to iterate over each element x in the tuple my_tuple and create a new list with those elements.

The resulting list is stored in the variable my_list.

List comprehension provides a concise way to create a new list by iterating over an existing iterable (in this case, the tuple).

It allows you to perform transformations or apply conditions to the elements during the creation of the list.

By using list comprehension, you can convert a tuple into a list in a single line of code.

It’s important to note that when converting a tuple to a list, the resulting list is mutable, meaning its elements can be modified. If the original tuple is modified after the conversion, it won’t affect the list.

So, you have the option to use the list() constructor function or employ list comprehension to convert a tuple to a list in Python.

Both approaches achieve the same result.

Scenarios when Python will do variable type conversion automatically

Python performs automatic type conversions, also known as implicit type coercion, in certain scenarios.

Here are some common scenarios when Python automatically converts variable types:

1. Numeric operations such as division involving two different data types

Python automatically converts variable types when performing arithmetic operations between different numeric types.

For example:

x = 5
y = 2.5
result = x + y
print(result)  # Output: 7.5

In this case, the integer variable x is added to the float variable y.

Python automatically promotes the integer to a float before performing the addition.

2. During string concatenation

When concatenating strings with other data types, Python automatically converts non-string types to strings.

For example:

x = 42
message = "The answer is: " + str(x)
print(message)  # Output: "The answer is: 42"

In this example, the integer x is concatenated with the string “The answer is: “.

Since concatenation involves strings, Python automatically converts the integer x to a string using the str() function.

3. When comparing values of different types

Python performs type conversions when comparing values of different types.

For example:

x = 10
y = 2.5
result = x > y
print(result)  # Output: True

In this case, Python compares the integer x with the float y.

Python automatically promotes the integer to a float for the comparison operation.

4. Function arguments and return values

Python can automatically convert variable types when passing arguments to functions or returning values from functions.

This can occur when the function expects a specific type but receives a different type, or when the function returns a different type than expected.

For example:

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b

result = multiply(3, 2.5)
print(result)  # Output: 7.5

In this case, the multiply() function multiplies the arguments a and b.

Although a is an integer and b is a float, Python performs automatic type conversion and returns a float as the result.

Automatic type conversions can be convenient, but it’s important to be aware of them to avoid unexpected behavior or loss of precision.

Explicitly converting variable types using appropriate functions (e.g., int(), float(), str()) is often recommended for clarity and avoiding ambiguity in code.

How to change datatype of a column in pandas Python

Converting data types in pandas is important to ensure that the data is represented in the appropriate format for analysis or further processing.

Besides, help save memory and improve computational efficiency by using more compact representations when possible.

Let’s see how you can convert the datatype of a column in pandas.

To change the data type of a column in pandas, you can use the astype() method or the to_numeric() function.

Here’s how you can use each approach:

Approach 1: Using astype() method

The astype() method allows you to change the data type of a column to a specific data type.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame
data = {'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': ['4', '5', '6']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Original data types
# Output:
# A    int64
# B    object
# dtype: object

# Convert 'B' column to integer
df['B'] = df['B'].astype(int)

# New data types
# Output:
# A    int64
# B    int64
# dtype: object

In the above example, the original data type of column ‘B’ is an object (string).

By using astype(int), we convert the values in the ‘B’ column to integers.

Approach 2: Using to_numeric() function

The to_numeric() function converts a column to a numeric data type.

It can handle more complex scenarios, such as converting columns with mixed data types or handling missing values.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame
data = {'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': ['4', '5', '6']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Original data types
# Output:
# A    int64
# B    object
# dtype: object

# Convert 'B' column to integer using to_numeric()
df['B'] = pd.to_numeric(df['B'])

# New data types
# Output:
# A    int64
# B    int64
# dtype: object

In this example, the to_numeric() function is used to convert the values in the ‘B’ column to integers.

It automatically handles the conversion of strings to integers.

Both approaches allow you to change the data type of a column in a pandas DataFrame.

The astype() method is more suitable for simple data type conversions, while to_numeric() provides more flexibility for handling complex scenarios and missing values.

Choose the approach that best suits your specific requirements.

Best Practices for Type Conversion: How to avoid changing datatype of a variable in Python

To avoid changing the data type of a variable in Python without intention, you can follow these practices:

  1. Initialize variables with the desired data type: When declaring a variable, explicitly assign an initial value of the appropriate data type. This helps to establish the intended type for the variable from the beginning and prevents accidental type changes later.
  2. Validate user input: When accepting input from users or external sources, validate the input to ensure it conforms to the expected data type. Perform appropriate checks and handle invalid input gracefully, notifying the user and requesting valid input.
  3. Be mindful of operations and functions: Pay attention to the operations and functions you use on variables. Understand their behavior and the expected data types they work with. Avoid performing operations or applying functions that could unintentionally change the data type of a variable.
  4. Explicitly convert data types when necessary: If you need to convert a variable to a different data type, do so explicitly using appropriate conversion functions such as int(), float(), or str(). By explicitly converting the variable, you make it clear in the code and avoid unintentional type changes.
  5. Use type hints: Utilize type hints in your code to indicate the expected data types of variables, function parameters, and return values. Type hints provide documentation and help catch type-related errors during static analysis or with the help of type-checking tools.

By following these practices, you can minimize the chances of unintentionally changing the data type of a variable in Python and ensure code clarity and reliability.


Can you force a data type on a Python variable?

You can force a specific data type on a variable by using constructor functions such as int(), float(), and str() in in Python. These functions allow you to explicitly convert values to desired types during variable initialization.
For example, int(5) forces the value 5 to be an integer, float(3.14) forces 3.14 to be a float, and str("John") forces "John" to be a string.
By using these constructor functions, you can override the default dynamic typing behavior and ensure that variables have a specific type.
It’s important to use this approach judiciously and ensure that the forced data type aligns with the requirements and expectations of your program.

Is it a good practice to change the type of a variable in Python?

Changing the type of a variable in Python can be a helpful technique in certain situations mentioned here. It provides flexibility and allows you to adapt variables to different data representations or operations. By converting variable types, you can ensure compatibility, enhance code functionality, and handle specific requirements. However, it’s important to be mindful of clarity, data integrity, and performance considerations.

How do you change datatype of an array in Python?

In Python, you can change the data type of an array using the astype() method provided by the NumPy library.

The astype() method allows you to convert the data type of the elements in the array to a specified type.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Create an array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Original data type
# Output: int64

# Convert the array to float
arr_float = arr.astype(float)

# New data type
# Output: float64

In the above example, the original array arr has elements of type int64.

By using astype(float), we convert the elements to type float64, creating a new array arr_float with the updated data type.

The astype() method can be used to convert an array to various data types, such as int, float, bool, str, etc.

Simply specify the desired data type within the parentheses of astype().

Note that the astype() method creates a new array with the converted data type and leaves the original array unchanged.

If you want to modify the original array in-place, you can assign the converted array back to the original array variable:

arr = arr.astype(float)  # Convert the original array in-place

By using astype(), you can easily change the data type of an array in Python and perform computations or operations specific to the desired type.


Python variables can change their type dynamically based on assigned values or through explicit conversions using constructor functions.

In Python, variables are dynamically typed, which means that their type can change during program execution based on the assigned values.

This flexibility allows Python programmers to work with different data types seamlessly.

When a variable is assigned a new value of a different type, Python automatically updates its type accordingly.

Furthermore, Python provides constructor functions such as int(), float(), str(), etc., which allow explicit type conversions.

By using these constructor functions, you can convert variables from one type to another forcefully.

The dynamic nature of Python variables and the ability to perform explicit type conversions using constructor functions provide flexibility and convenience when working with different data types, allowing programmers to adapt variables as needed during program execution.

That’s it for this article.

Create, inspire, repeat!

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