One of the many features that make Python programming language so flexible is its -m flag, which allows developers to easily run modules as scripts, without having to install or configure additional dependencies.

With the -m flag, developers can quickly and easily run any Python module as a script from the command line, without having to worry about setting up a separate execution environment.

This can be especially useful when working with third-party libraries or frameworks, as it allows developers to quickly test and debug their code without having to worry about complex installation or configuration procedures.

What is Python -m flag?

Python’s -m flag is a command-line option that allows you to run Python modules as scripts, without having to install or configure additional dependencies. The “-m” stands for “module” and it is followed by the name of the module that you want to execute.

What does the -m flag mean in Python commands?

When you use the -m flag, Python will look for the specified module in its module search path, which includes the current directory, the built-in modules, and any additional directories specified in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Once the module is located, Python will execute its main function, which is the entry point of the script.

This function defines the behavior of the script and can include any code that you want to run.

For example, you could use the main function to define a command-line interface, configure a web server, or run a test suite.

Using the -m flag can be especially useful when working with third-party libraries or frameworks, as it allows you to quickly and easily execute their code without having to worry about complex installation or configuration procedures.

As an example, when I am working on my Flask and Python Django projects, I quickly access each module shell using python -m command without having to navigate into a particular virtual environment.

When I am working on a Python web application that uses the Flask web framework. Normally, I would be required to install Flask on my system using pip or another package manager, set up a virtual environment, and configure my application to use the Flask library.

However, I use the -m flag to easily run a Flask application without having to go through all of these steps.

I simply run the following command from the terminal window:

python -m flask run

This would launch the Flask module as a script, starting up the development server and allowing you to view your web application in a browser at the appropriate URL.

Again, taking this approach allows you to easily execute the code required for your application without having to worry about complex installation and configuration procedures.

For a Django project, launching a shell to test a couple of things without having to navigate to a particular project and activating the virtual environment is easy. I just have to type the following in the terminal:

python -m django shell

And I get a very beautiful shell to test a few Django commands.

Accessing Python Django shell using python -m django shell command

Python -m flag can also be used to create standalone scripts or executables that can be distributed and run on other machines without requiring the user to install any additional dependencies.

Overall, the -m flag is a powerful and versatile tool in Python that can help you streamline your development process and increase your productivity.

By understanding how to use it effectively, you can unlock a wide range of capabilities and take your Python programming to the next level.

Most used Python -m flag examples

Here are some of the most commonly used commands with Python’s -m flag:

  1. python -m venv: This command creates a new virtual environment in the current directory. Virtual environments are useful for isolating Python dependencies and packages between projects.
  2. python -m pip install: This command installs Python packages and dependencies. It can be used to install specific packages or to install all packages listed in a requirements.txt file.
  3. python -m unittest: This command runs unit tests for a Python project. It can be used to run all tests in a project or to run specific test suites or individual tests.
  4. python -m http.server: This command starts a simple HTTP server in the current directory. It can be used to quickly serve static files or to test web applications.
  5. python -m json.tool: This command formats JSON data in a human-readable way. It can be used to quickly inspect and debug JSON data.
  6. python -m cProfile: This command profiles the performance of a Python program. It can be used to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize code.

1. Python -m venv flag

Python -m venv flag is a command line option that allows developers to create a virtual environment for a Python project.

Virtual environments are isolated environments that contain their own set of Python packages, dependencies, and executable files.

They are useful because they allow developers to install and manage packages and dependencies for each project separately, without interfering with other projects or the system Python installation.

To create a virtual environment using Python -m venv flag, the developer can simply navigate to the project directory and run the command python -m venv myenv, where myenv is the name of the virtual environment.

Once the virtual environment is created, the developer can activate it by running the command source myenv/bin/activate (on Unix-based systems) or myenv\Scripts\activate (on Windows), and then install the required packages and dependencies using pip.

Why use -m flag with venv command?

When creating a virtual environment using python -m venv, the -m flag specifies that the venv module should be run as a script.

This is because venv is a built-in module in Python, and running it as a script ensures that the correct version of the module is used, even if multiple versions of Python are installed on the system.

Using the -m flag with venv also allows you to specify additional options or arguments when creating the virtual environment.

For example, the command python -m venv --system-site-packages myenv creates a virtual environment that includes access to the system’s global site-packages directory, allowing the environment to use packages and dependencies that are installed globally on the system.

In addition, using -m with venv ensures that the virtual environment is created in a standardized way, regardless of the platform or operating system being used.

This ensures that the virtual environment can be easily shared and deployed across different systems and environments.

Overall, using python -m venv with the -m flag provides a reliable and standardized way to create virtual environments for Python projects, while also allowing developers to specify additional options and arguments as needed.

2. Python -m http.server

Python -m http.server is a command that starts a simple HTTP server in the current directory, allowing users to serve static files or test web applications. This command is often used by developers to quickly share files or test web applications without the need for a full-fledged web server.

Here is an example local server created using Python’s http.server serving my home directory and files.

How to setup local server using Python http.server

Why use -m flag with http.server command?

Using the -m flag with http.server in Python allows you to run the http.server module as a script, without having to write a separate Python script to start the server. This makes it quick and easy to start a simple HTTP server for testing or file sharing purposes.

Without the -m flag, you would need to write a Python script that imports and runs the http.server module. This requires more time and effort than simply running the module as a script using the -m flag.

In addition, using the -m flag ensures that you are running the http.server module that comes with your Python installation, rather than a version that may have been installed separately or modified in some way.

This helps to ensure that your server is running the correct version of http.server, with all of the necessary dependencies and security updates.

Overall, using the -m flag with http.server in Python provides a quick and easy way to start a simple HTTP server for testing or file sharing purposes, while also ensuring that you are running the correct version of the module.

3. Python -m pip install

Python -m pip install is a command used to install Python packages and dependencies from the Python Package Index (PyPI) or other package repositories.

This command is used extensively in real-world scenarios, where developers need to install, manage, and update dependencies in their Python projects.

Here are a few real-world examples and scenarios where Python -m pip install is commonly used:

1. Installing third-party libraries and frameworks

When working on a Python project, developers often need to use third-party libraries and frameworks to handle tasks such as web development, scientific computing, or machine learning.

Python -m pip install allows developers to easily install these libraries and their dependencies, without having to manually download and install them.

For example, if a developer is working on a machine learning project and needs to use the Scikit-learn library, they can simply run the command python -m pip install scikit-learn to install the library and its dependencies.

2 Setting up a new development environment

When setting up a new development environment for a Python project, developers often need to install a specific version of Python, along with all of the necessary dependencies.

Python -m pip install can be used to automate this process, by installing all of the required packages and dependencies with a single command.

For example, if a developer is setting up a new development environment for a web application project, they can create a new virtual environment and then run the command python -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install all of the necessary packages and dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file.

What does -m mean in pip Python command?

The -m flag is used with the python command to run a module as a script. When used with pip, the command python -m pip is used to run pip as a module within the Python interpreter.

By using python -m pip, the pip package is run as a module within the Python environment, rather than as a standalone executable. This ensures that pip is executed using the correct version of Python and with the correct dependencies and environment variables.

Using python -m pip is considered a best practice when working with Python packages and dependencies, as it ensures that pip is executed within the context of the Python environment in use, rather than relying on a potentially outdated or incompatible standalone executable.


Python’s -m flag is used to run a module as a script, providing a simple way to execute Python modules from the command line. The -m flag is commonly used with the python command to run built-in modules or third-party modules installed using pip.

Using python -m <module> is recommended over directly running modules using the python <module> command, as it ensures that the module is executed using the correct version of Python and with the correct environment variables and dependencies.

The -m flag can be used to execute modules that are included in the Python standard library, as well as modules installed through pip or other package managers.

Examples of common use cases for the -m flag includes running the json module to parse or serialize JSON data, running the unittest module to execute unit tests, and running the venv module to create virtual environments.

In summary, the -m flag in the python command provides a convenient way to execute Python modules from the command line, with benefits including ensuring compatibility with the correct version of Python and environment variables, and enabling the execution of built-in and third-party modules alike.

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