Have you ever stumbled upon lines of code littered with cryptic terms like “foo” and “bar” and wondered what they truly mean?

These peculiar placeholders have transcended the boundaries of programming languages, perplexing novices and seasoned developers alike.

While seemingly arbitrary, these enigmatic terms hold a rich history within the realm of computer programming.

Programmers use “foo” and “bar” as placeholder names in generic code examples and discussions. These terms originated in the early days of programming and have become widely recognized in the programming community.

They are used when programmers want to illustrate concepts without getting caught up in thinking about specific variable names. By using “foo” and “bar” as temporary placeholders, programmers can keep their code examples simple and easily understandable.

However, in real projects, it is recommended to use descriptive and meaningful variable names for clarity and maintainability.

Why do programmers use foo bar?

Programmers commonly use the terms “foo” and “bar” as placeholders in coding. These seemingly arbitrary words have gained widespread adoption within the programming community for several reasons.

They serve as convenient placeholders when writing code examples or discussing programming concepts in a generic and simplified manner.

Let’s explore the meanings and significance behind these mysterious terms in more detail.

What does foo mean in coding?

In coding, “foo” is typically used as a placeholder name for a variable, function, or class. It has no inherent meaning and is deliberately chosen to be meaningless.

By using “foo” as a generic term, programmers can focus on explaining the underlying logic or syntax of a concept without being distracted by specific details of descriptive naming. It helps to simplify code examples and promote universal understanding across different programming languages and communities.

Think of “foo” as a versatile stand-in, allowing programmers to convey ideas without getting tangled in the specifics.

What does bar mean in coding?

Similar to “foo,” “bar” is another widely recognized metasyntactic variable in coding. It is often used in conjunction with “foo” or independently as a generic name for a variable, function, or object.

Just like “foo,” “bar” carries no inherent meaning and is intentionally chosen to be meaningless. It serves the same purpose of simplifying code examples and discussions by providing a non-distracting placeholder.

By using “bar,” programmers can emphasize the broader concepts at hand while maintaining code readability and clarity.

By employing “foo” and “bar” in code examples and discussions, programmers can focus on explaining fundamental concepts without being bogged down by specific variable names.

What are metasyntactic variables?

Metasyntactic variables are placeholder names used in programming to represent generic or hypothetical entities. These variables serve as a way to demonstrate code structure and syntax without being tied to specific data or implementation details.

Metasyntactic variables are not meant to convey any meaningful information but are rather used to illustrate programming concepts or demonstrate code examples in a simplified manner.

Examples of commonly used metasyntactic variables?

In the programming community, several metasyntactic variables have become widely adopted and recognized.

These examples are commonly used to represent generic entities when discussing code or writing examples:

  1. Foo: “Foo” is one of the most frequently used metasyntactic variables. It is often used to represent a placeholder variable, function, or object in code snippets. For instance, when demonstrating a basic function, programmers may use “foo” as the function name to highlight the overall structure.
  2. Bar: “Bar” is another popular metasyntactic variable often used alongside “foo.” It serves a similar purpose, representing a generic placeholder for a variable, function, or object. When programmers need to showcase multiple entities or illustrate interactions between components, they might use “bar” as an additional metasyntactic variable.
  3. Baz: In some cases, programmers extend the “foo” and “bar” convention by introducing “baz” as a third metasyntactic variable. It is used when additional placeholders are required to demonstrate more complex scenarios or to emphasize the generic nature of the entities being represented.
  4. Qux: “Qux” is another metasyntactic variable that can be employed when a fourth placeholder is needed in code examples or discussions. It follows the same pattern as “foo,” “bar,” and “baz” and is used to represent a generic element in code or as an additional placeholder in more elaborate scenarios.
  5. Quux
  6. Corge
  7. Grault
  8. Garply
  9. Waldo
  10. Fred
  11. Plugh
  12. Xyzzy
  13. Thud

These commonly used metasyntactic variables play a crucial role in simplifying and illustrating programming concepts, allowing programmers to convey ideas and syntax in a concise and universally understood manner.

By using these generic placeholders, programmers can focus on explaining the core logic without being distracted by specific names or details.

The practical application of “Foo” and “Bar”

Let’s explore some scenarios where “foo” and “bar” are used in example code:

Simplify variable assignments

Consider a basic example where we want to assign values to variables. Instead of using specific variable names, we can utilize “foo” and “bar” as placeholders.

For instance:

foo = 10
bar = 20

Here, “foo” and “bar” represent generic variables, allowing us to focus on the assignment operation rather than being distracted by the specifics of the variables themselves.

Highlighting function usage

In code examples that involve functions, “foo” and “bar” can be used as parameter names or function calls.

For instance:

def my_function(foo, bar):
    # Function implementation

my_function(42, "example")

In this example, “foo” and “bar” act as generic placeholders for the function’s parameters, showcasing the concept of passing arguments without getting caught up in specific parameter names.

Convey ideas in a simplistic manner

In addition to example code, discussions about programming concepts often require clear and concise explanations. By using “foo” and “bar” in these discussions, programmers can convey ideas and logic in a universally understandable manner.

Let’s explore some scenarios where “foo” and “bar” are utilized in example discussions:

1. Explaining control structures

When explaining conditional statements such as “if” and “else,” “foo” and “bar” can be used to illustrate different conditions.

For instance:

if foo > bar:
    # Do something
    # Do something else

In this example, “foo” and “bar” represent generic values, allowing programmers to focus on the logical flow of the code rather than the specific values being compared.

2. Clarifying loop constructs

When discussing loop constructs, “foo” and “bar” can represent elements or iterations.

For example:

for i in range(foo):
    # Loop body

while bar < 10:
    # Loop body

Here, “foo” and “bar” act as placeholders, highlighting the concept of iteration and loop control without being distracted by specific values.

By utilizing “foo” and “bar” in example code and discussions, programmers can effectively simplify complex concepts, enhance code readability, and foster better understanding and communication within the programming community, especially when collaborating with others with tools such as Git.

These versatile placeholders allow the focus to remain on the core principles being discussed, making programming concepts more approachable and accessible to learners and practitioners alike.

Common FooBar interview challenge with a solution

Challenge #1

You have to print the numbers from 1 to 200 in a new line. But for every multiple of 5 print “Foo”, for every multiple of 7 print “Bar” and for every multiple of both 5 and 7 print “FooBar” instead of the number.

This is a classic interview question that tests your ability to write a loop and apply conditional logic.

Here’s an example code snippet that solves the problem:

for num in range(1, 201):
    if num % 5 == 0 and num % 7 == 0:
    elif num % 5 == 0:
    elif num % 7 == 0:

In this code, we use a for loop to iterate through the numbers from 1 to 200 using the range() function.

For each number, we use a series of conditional statements (if, elif, else) to check if it is a multiple of 5, 7, or both.

  • If the number is divisible by both 5 and 7 (i.e., the remainder when divided by 5 and 7 is 0), we print “FooBar”.
  • If the number is divisible by 5 (the remainder when divided by 5 is 0), we print “Foo”.
  • If the number is divisible by 7 (the remainder when divided by 7 is 0), we print “Bar”.
  • If none of the above conditions are met, we simply print the number itself.

By applying these conditional checks, we can replace the multiples of 5 with “Foo”, multiples of 7 with “Bar”, and multiples of both 5 and 7 with “FooBar”. The print() function is used to output the desired result.

Running this code will produce the following output:

FooBar code example

Challenge #2

Write a Python function named multiply_values that takes two parameters, foo and bar. The function should multiply the values of foo and bar together and return the result. Assume that both foo and bar are numeric values. Write the function definition and provide an example usage.

Here’s how you would approach it:

# Function to multiply the values of foo and bar
def multiply_values(foo, bar):
    result = foo * bar  # Multiply the values of foo and bar

    return result  # Return the result

# Example usage
foo = 5
bar = 3
result = multiply_values(foo, bar)
print(f"The result of multiplying {foo} and {bar} is: {result}")

In this code snippet, we define a function named multiply_values that takes two parameters, foo and bar.

Inside the function, we perform the multiplication operation by multiplying the values of foo and bar together and store the result in a variable called result.

Finally, we return the value of result as the output of the function.

To demonstrate the usage of the function, we set foo to 5 and bar to 3 in the example. Then, we call the multiply_values function with these values as arguments and store the returned result in the variable result.

Finally, we print the result using a formatted string to display the values of foo, bar, and the computed result.

When you run this code, the output will be:

The result of multiplying 5 and 3 is: 15

This solution showcases how the function multiply_values can be defined to multiply the values of foo and bar together and return the result. It demonstrates the basic principles of defining a function, accepting parameters, performing the desired operation, and returning the computed result.

Related Question

What comes after foo, bar, and baz?

After the commonly used metasyntactic variables “foo,” “bar,” and “baz,” the convention typically continues with a progression of generic placeholder names such as “qux,” “quux,” “corge,” “grault,” “garply,” “waldo,” “fred,” “plugh,” “xyzzy,” and “thud.”

These terms, although arbitrary and meaningless, have gained recognition within the programming community as a way to represent placeholders and illustrate code examples or discussions.

It’s important to note that the specific order and usage of these terms may vary depending on the context and personal preference of programmers. By utilizing this progression of metasyntactic variables, programmers can continue to maintain code readability, simplify examples, and foster better understanding and communication within the programming community.


In conclusion, the use of “foo” and “bar” as generic placeholders in programming serves a valuable purpose in simplifying code examples and discussions. These metasyntactic variables allow programmers to focus on explaining fundamental concepts without getting entangled in specific details or distractions.

By employing “foo” and “bar,” code becomes more approachable, universal, and easier to understand across different programming languages and communities.

However, it’s important to note that while “foo” and “bar” are useful for temporary placeholders, it is essential to utilize meaningful and descriptive variable names in real projects to ensure code maintainability and readability.

In practical applications, using self-explanatory variable names enhances code comprehension, reduces confusion, and promotes better collaboration among developers.

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