If you’re new to Python, you may have come across an intriguing aspect of the language: its indexing system.

Unlike some programming languages that start indexing at 1, Python embraces a unique convention where indexing begins at 0.

This seemingly small distinction has sparked curiosity and raised questions among beginners and professionals alike.

But, why is that?

Python’s choice to start indexing at 0 is influenced by historical reasons and aims for simplicity. It aligns with languages like C and C++, enhancing memory management and array operations.

Let’s look at what we can do with indexing and see the opportunities that zero-based indexing present in Python programming.

What is indexing in Python (with example)

In Python, indexing refers to the process of accessing individual elements within a data structure, such as lists, strings, or tuples.

It allows you to retrieve specific values based on their position or index within the structure.

Understanding indexing is fundamental to manipulating and extracting data effectively.

Let’s illustrate this concept with an example.

Consider a list of fruits:

fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi']

Each element in the list has a corresponding index, starting from 0 and incrementing by 1.

To access a specific element, we use square brackets [] and provide the desired index.

For instance:

print(fruits[0])  # Output: 'apple'
print(fruits[2])  # Output: 'orange'

In this example, fruits[0] retrieves the first element (‘apple’), while fruits[2] retrieves the third element (‘orange’).

By specifying the appropriate index, we can access any item in the list.

Indexing is not limited to lists; it applies to other data structures as well.

For instance, let’s consider a string:

message = "Hello, World!"

To access individual characters within the string, we can use indexing:

print(message[7])  # Output: 'W'
print(message[0])  # Output: 'H'

Here, message[7] retrieves the eighth character (‘W’), and message[0] retrieves the first character (‘H’).

Indexing is a powerful tool that enables us to retrieve specific elements from data structures, facilitating data manipulation and analysis.

Remember that Python follows a zero-based indexing convention, where the first element is at index 0.

By understanding this fundamental aspect, you can confidently work with various data structures in Python and extract the information you need efficiently.

Let’s explore zero-based indexing in detail, though!

What is zero-based indexing?

Zero-based indexing is a system used in programming languages, including Python, where the numbering of elements in a data structure starts from 0 instead of 1.

This indexing convention has become widely adopted due to its practical advantages and consistency with low-level languages like C and C++.

Let’s explore how zero-based indexing works and its impact on array manipulation.

Consider a list of numbers in Python:

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

In zero-based indexing, the first element of the list is assigned an index of 0.

Therefore, numbers[0] retrieves the first element, which is 10.

To access subsequent elements, we increment the index accordingly.

For example, numbers[1] gives us 20, numbers[2] returns 30, and so on.

Zero-based indexing aligns with how computers store and access memory.

It provides benefits when working with arrays and facilitates various calculations.

Let’s see how it affects array manipulation using a simple example:

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

With zero-based indexing, numbers[2] corresponds to the third element, which is 30.

To modify this element by adding 5 to it, we simply write numbers[2] = numbers[2] + 5.

The list is updated in place, and the resulting numbers list becomes [10, 20, 35, 40, 50].

The process is straightforward and aligns with the expected behavior.

Now, let’s explore the same scenario without zero-based indexing, assuming a one-based indexing convention:

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

Using one-based indexing, the third element would be referenced as numbers[3].

However, if we want to modify it by adding 5, we encounter a problem.

In this case, we would need to write numbers[3] = numbers[3] + 5, but this introduces an off-by-one error.

The third element (30) is at index 2, not index 3.

To correctly modify the intended element, we would have to adjust the index by subtracting 1: numbers[2] = numbers[2] + 5.

Without this adjustment, we would inadvertently modify the fourth element instead of the desired third element.

How does off-by-one error occurs?

In programming, off-by-one errors arise when there is a mismatch between the index used and the intended element in an array or list.

When indexing starts at 1 (one-based indexing), a discrepancy arises because the numbering of elements and their corresponding indices no longer align.

In the context of our previous example:

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

With one-based indexing, the elements in the list are associated with indices ranging from 1 to 5.

However, when attempting to access the third element, our intuition might lead us to use numbers[3].

This would lead to mistakenly referencing the fourth element instead of the intended third element.

The reason for this confusion is that the natural language description of elements, such as “first,” “second,” and “third,” implies a starting point of 1.

However, in programming, indexing typically starts at 0 (zero-based indexing).

By adhering to zero-based indexing, the element corresponding to the ordinal description matches its respective index.

This consistency promotes clarity and prevents off-by-one errors.

To correctly reference the third element using one-based indexing, we would need to subtract 1 from the natural language ordinal description.

Therefore, the intended index would be numbers[3 - 1], which translates to numbers[2].

This adjustment is necessary each time we work with indices in a one-based indexing system.

By employing zero-based indexing, Python mitigates the likelihood of off-by-one errors.

It aligns with common programming conventions and simplifies array manipulation by providing a consistent and intuitive indexing scheme.

As you can see, without zero-based indexing, calculations involving array elements become more complex and error-prone.

Each time we reference or manipulate elements, we must remember to adjust the indices to align with the indexing convention used.

This added complexity increases the likelihood of introducing mistakes, especially when working with large arrays or performing iterative operations.

By adopting zero-based indexing, Python ensures a consistent and intuitive approach to accessing and manipulating array elements.

It simplifies calculations, avoids off-by-one errors, and promotes code clarity and maintainability.

Python’s choice of zero-based indexing aligns with common programming practices and provides a solid foundation for efficient array manipulation in various contexts.

Let’s look at

Benefits of zero-based indexing?

Zero-based indexing in Python may seem unconventional at first, especially if you’re coming from a programming background that uses one-based indexing or new to programming.

However, Python’s choice of starting indexing at 0 brings several advantages, leading to more efficient programming and better compatibility with existing libraries and frameworks.

Let’s explore these benefits in detail:

Consistency and Simplicity

By adopting zero-based indexing, Python maintains consistency with other languages like C and C++.

This consistency allows programmers to switch between languages more seamlessly and reduces cognitive load when working with multiple programming languages.

Simplifies Array Operations

Zero-based indexing simplifies array operations, such as accessing elements, calculating indices, and performing slicing.

It aligns with the natural numbering system used in computer memory and simplifies the underlying implementation of array-related operations.

Zero-based Indexing is more Efficient

Zero-based indexing in Python offers memory efficiency by optimizing memory allocation and ensuring a predictable memory layout.

Here’s how.

When representing a list in Python, the elements are stored in contiguous memory locations.

With zero-based indexing, the first element is assigned index 0, and subsequent elements follow with consecutive indices.

This indexing convention allows for a direct mapping between the index and the memory address where the element is stored.

Consider a list with n elements.

Using zero-based indexing, the first element resides at index 0, and the last element is at index n-1.

This arrangement enables efficient memory allocation and retrieval.

Here’s an example:

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

In this list, the element ’10’ is at index 0, ’20’ at index 1, ’30’ at index 2, and so on.

This indexing pattern ensures a consistent memory layout.

Each element is precisely offset from the previous one, allowing for efficient memory access and traversal.

By adhering to zero-based indexing, Python can calculate the memory address of an element using a simple formula: base_address + index * element_size.

The base address represents the starting point in memory, the index indicates the position of the element, and the element size determines the number of bytes required to store each element.

If we were to start with the first index, the formula above would have to incorporate an additional calculation of subtracting 1 for the first element to accommodate 1 + 1.

The benefits of this predictable memory layout are twofold:

1. Efficient Memory Access:

With a fixed offset between consecutive elements, accessing elements by index becomes more efficient.

The memory addresses of elements can be calculated directly, eliminating the need for additional calculations or pointer arithmetic.

This efficiency is crucial when working with large datasets or performing frequent element retrievals.

2. Simplified Memory Management:

The consistent memory layout of zero-based indexing simplifies memory management operations.

It allows for straightforward calculations of memory offsets, making it easier to allocate, deallocate, or manipulate memory blocks.

This simplicity contributes to efficient memory usage and reduces the chances of memory-related errors.

Let’s consider another example to illustrate the memory efficiency of zero-based indexing:

letters = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

Using zero-based indexing, the memory layout would be as follows:

Index   Memory Address   Element
0       1000             'A'
1       1004             'B'
2       1008             'C'
3       1012             'D'
4       1016             'E'

Each element is allocated four bytes (assuming ASCII characters) in memory, and the indices correspond to the memory addresses.

This consistent layout enables efficient memory access, as the next element can be directly retrieved based on the known offset.

The other choice in indexing, which is not zero-based indexing, typically follows a one-based indexing convention.

In this approach, the first element of a data structure is assigned the index 1, and subsequent elements increment by 1.

While this indexing style may be familiar in certain contexts, it is not optimized for memory allocation and performance in the same way that zero-based indexing is.

Here are some reasons why one-based indexing may not be as efficient:

  1. Memory Overhead: One-based indexing introduces additional memory overhead compared to zero-based indexing. With one-based indexing, a data structure of size n requires n+1 memory slots to accommodate the indices. This extra slot, often unused, increases the memory footprint and reduces memory efficiency.
  2. Incompatibility with Low-Level Languages: Many low-level programming languages, such as C and C++, adopt zero-based indexing. When working with libraries or frameworks implemented in these languages, using one-based indexing introduces inconsistencies and requires additional effort to convert between the two indexing styles.
  3. Performance Impact: One-based indexing may incur a slight performance impact compared to zero-based indexing. This is because calculations involving indices, such as address calculations or array traversals, require additional arithmetic operations to handle the offset between the index value and the underlying memory address. These extra calculations can introduce minor overhead and affect performance, particularly in computationally intensive operations or large-scale data processing.

Compatibility with Libraries

Numerous Python libraries and frameworks, such as NumPy and Pandas, are designed around the zero-based indexing convention.

Avoiding Off-by-One Errors

Zero-based indexing helps prevent common off-by-one errors that often occur with one-based indexing.

With zero-based indexing, calculations and manipulations become more intuitive and less error-prone, leading to more reliable code.

One-based indexing can lead to off-by-one errors, where programmers mistakenly access the wrong element due to the inconsistency between index values and element positions.

These errors can be hard to detect and may introduce bugs that are difficult to troubleshoot.

Zero-based indexing optimizes memory allocation, facilitates efficient memory access, and aligns with the conventions of numerous programming languages, including Python.

These advantages make zero-based indexing a preferred choice in many programming scenarios, promoting simplicity, consistency, and improved performance.


Why does Python indexing start from zero?

Python’s choice to start indexing from zero is rooted in historical reasons and aims to achieve simplicity, consistency, and alignment with low-level languages like C and C++.

Here’s each reason for Python’s adoption for zero-based indexing:

1. Historical Context

Python’s indexing convention is influenced by its roots in the C programming language.

When Python was developed, it inherited many design principles and syntax from C.

One such principle is zero-based indexing, which was prevalent in C and other early programming languages.

2. Consistency with Low-Level Languages

Python aims for compatibility with existing libraries and frameworks implemented in languages like C and C++.

By adopting zero-based indexing, Python facilitates smooth integration with these languages, enabling developers to leverage the extensive functionality provided by such libraries.

Consistency with these established conventions simplifies code migration and promotes interoperability.

3. Efficient Memory Management

Zero-based indexing offers advantages in terms of memory allocation and management.

Arrays and other data structures are commonly used in programming, and zero-based indexing aligns with the underlying memory representation and manipulation techniques.

It allows for more efficient memory access and simplifies calculations involving memory addresses and offsets.

4. Simplified Array Operations

Zero-based indexing simplifies array operations by providing a direct mapping between indices and element positions.

This simplicity enhances code readability and reduces the chances of off-by-one errors.

It also facilitates slicing and subsetting arrays, as the indices align precisely with the elements they represent.

How do I make Python index start at 1?

Python’s indexing convention is inherently based on zero-based indexing, meaning that the first element of a sequence is accessed using an index of 0.

This convention is deeply ingrained in the language and is not easily changed or overridden.

However, if you prefer to work with a one-based indexing style, you can implement a custom indexing scheme or create a wrapper function to adjust the indices accordingly.

Here’s an example:

def one_based_index(lst, index):
    Custom indexing function to access elements with a one-based index.
    if index < 1 or index > len(lst):
        raise IndexError("Index out of range")
    return lst[index - 1]

# Example usage
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi']

# Accessing elements using one-based index
first_fruit = one_based_index(fruits, 1)  # Accessing the first fruit
second_fruit = one_based_index(fruits, 2)  # Accessing the second fruit

print(first_fruit)  # Output: 'apple'
print(second_fruit)  # Output: 'banana'

In this example, the one_based_index function takes a list and an index as parameters.

It checks if the provided index is within the valid range (1 to length of the list) and then accesses the corresponding element by subtracting 1 from the index.

It’s important to note that while this approach allows you to use one-based indexing for your specific use case, it introduces a non-standard behavior and may lead to confusion for other developers familiar with the standard zero-based indexing in Python.

Therefore, it’s generally recommended to stick with the established zero-based indexing convention in Python to maintain code readability and compatibility with libraries and community practices.

Is Python array 0 or 1 based in indexing?

In Python, arrays are zero-based when it comes to indexing. This means that the index of the first element in an array is 0, the second element has an index of 1, and so on.

Here’s an example to illustrate this:

my_array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

In this array, the elements are indexed as follows:

Index   Element
0       10
1       20
2       30
3       40
4       50

To access an element in the array, you would use the corresponding zero-based index.

For instance, my_array[0] would return the value 10, my_array[1] would return 20, and so on.

It’s important to note that this zero-based indexing convention is consistent across various data structures and sequences in Python, including lists, tuples, and strings.

What is the difference between 1 based indexing and 0 based indexing?

The main difference between one-based indexing and zero-based indexing lies in the way elements in a sequence are assigned index values.

One-based indexing

One-based indexing is an indexing convention where the first element in a sequence is assigned an index value of 1, and subsequent elements increment by 1.

In this scheme, the element at position i is accessed using the index value i.

This indexing style is commonly used in some natural language contexts and is often intuitive to beginners.

Zero-based indexing

Zero-based indexing is an indexing convention where the first element in a sequence is assigned an index value of 0, and subsequent elements increment by 1.

In this scheme, the element at position i is accessed using the index value i-1.

Zero-based indexing is prevalent in many programming languages, including Python, C, C++, and Java.

Key Differences:

One-Based IndexingZero-Based Indexing
Starting Index10
OffsetHas an offset of 1 between indices and positionsNo offset, direct correspondence between indices and positions
Memory EfficiencyMay require an additional memory slot for unused index 0More memory-efficient as indices correspond to memory addresses
CompatibilityMay introduce inconsistencies when working with zero-based indexing systemsWidely adopted convention in programming languages and libraries
ExamplesList indices start from 1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]List indices start from 0: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


How do I make Python index start at 1?

Python’s indexing convention is based on zero-based indexing, and it is not easily changed. However, you can create a custom indexing function or wrapper to adjust indices.

Does string index start from 0 or 1 in Python?

In Python, string index starts from 0. The first character of a string has an index of 0, and subsequent characters are indexed incrementally. To access specific characters, use string[index]. Be mindful of the zero-based indexing convention for correct element retrieval and manipulation.

Does array index start from 0 in Python?

Array indices in Python start from 0. The first element is accessed using index 0, the second with index 1, and so on. This zero-based indexing convention is consistent across lists, tuples, strings, and other sequences in Python.

Why does Python not use 1 based indexing like other programming languages?

Python, like many other programming languages, uses zero-based indexing for several reasons. Zero-based indexing simplifies memory allocation, aligns with low-level languages, and enhances compatibility with libraries. It also eliminates off-by-one errors and provides a consistent indexing convention across data structures.


The choice of zero-based indexing in Python is driven by several factors.

By starting indexing at 0, Python simplifies memory allocation and ensures a predictable memory layout.

The convention aligns with low-level languages and promotes compatibility with libraries and frameworks within the Python ecosystem.

Additionally, zero-based indexing eliminates off-by-one errors and provides a consistent and intuitive indexing scheme across different data structures.

While some programming languages may opt for one-based indexing, Python’s decision to use zero-based indexing offers efficiency, simplicity, and a standard practice that enhances the reliability and readability of code.

By understanding and embracing this convention, developers can harness the full potential of Python’s indexing system.

Create, inspire, repeat!

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